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Paul Sparks - Xiangtan University, Online Postgraduate (Masters Degree) English Lesson Plans, Lesson Material and Ideas...



Speaking Lesson: Modern English: Internet Vocabulary

Lesson Objectives: This lesson demonstrates how English can change, especially in the field of technology.

Lesson Activities: Class discussion about technology, computers and the Internet.

INTERNET VOCABULARY: The Internet is made up of computers all over the world that are connected to each other. They are able to exchange information with each other. The Internet is the word for the connection of computers, by using the Internet we can use E-mail, Newsgroups and the World Wide Web among other services. Many words associated with the Internet are new or used in a new way.

Basic Internet Vocabulary:

Modem - This is the piece of the computer that connect to the phone line. If your computer connects to a phone line we call this a dialup connection. Other connections are LAN (Office connection - fast) or ADSL (high speed connection).

World Wide Web - Pages of information that can be accessed on a computer connected to the Internet. the page might contain text, graphics, video or audio.

Web Site - A collection of WWW pages (Written as "Web site", but now commonly written as one word "Website".)

Browser - This is a term used to describe a piece of software (program) that allows you to view web pages. The most popular browser is Microsoft's "Internet Explorer".

Click - To press the button on a computer mouse. 

Link / Links - On a web page you have links, usually highlighted text and often a graphic, that are connections between pages. When you click on a link, it takes you to another page on the Web. We call these links hyperlinks / hypertext. Clicking on links is one way to move (surf) around the web.

The World Wide Web is not exactly the same thing as the Internet. The Internet describes the overall structure that allows sharing of computer resources world wide. The Web is a part of this network and is, indeed, probably the best known and most used part of the Internet. But the Internet includes other systems for exchanging information, including FTP sites, chat systems and USENET news groups etc.

Advanced Internet Vocabulary (A to Z):

Attachment - A file sent with an email message.

Browser - The program you run in order to view pages on the world-wide Web.

Dialup - Connecting to the Internet over a telephone line, using a modem connected to your computer.

DNS (Domain Name System) - The mechanism for translating Internet names into the numeric addresses.

Domain Name - The part of an Internet name unique to an organisation.

Download - Transferring data from one computer or server to another computer.

E-Commerce - A way of doing business (e.g., buying goods) electronically.

E-mail (electronic mail) - A way of sending messages electronically.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - A way to transfer files across the Internet.

GIF (Graphic Image Format) - A format for storing pictures on a computer.

Homepage - The main page for a web site which usually contains links to other pages.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - The language used to create files for the internet.

HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) - The first part of a web address.

Hyperlink - A text or graphical link that allows the user to jump from one part of a Web page to another part of the same page or to another page.

Intranet - Used on an internal network within an organisation. With an intranet you could use a Web server to publish information only available to your employees.

IP address  - The numeric address used to locate other computers on the Internet.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) - A digital telephone line that allows a faster connection to the Internet than a standard telephone line and modem.

ISP (Internet Service Provider) - A company that provides access to the Internet.

Java - A programming language.

JPG / JPEG - (Joint Photographic Experts Group) - A format for storing pictures on a computer.

Login - The process of gaining access to a service by identifying yourself, often with a username and password.

Modem - A device that connects a computer to a telephone line.

MPEG (motion picture experts group) - Moving pictures over the Internet.

Multimedia - The material includes text, pictures, sound, computer programs, video, anything you can think of that can be displayed on a computer screen or broadcast through its speakers.

Netscape - A browser for the World Wide Web. Similar to Internet Explorer.

Off-line - Not connected to a network.

On-line - Connected to a network.

Packet - On the Internet, data (information) is broken up into small pieces, called packets.

Pixels - the smallest element (tiny dots) of an image or picture. The greater the number of pixels the better the picture.

Plug-in - Sometimes a web page will try to do something like display a video or audio file. A plug-in is an application that works with the browser to allow you to view, listen, or access these files. Some of the more popular plug-ins are RealAudio, QuickTime and Shockwave.

Protocol - A protocol is a set of rules for the exchange of data between computers or between a terminal and a computer. Standard protocols allow different computers, using completely different software, to interpret the data in the same way.

Search Engine - Software that enables searching documents using the Internet. E.G..

Server - A main computer which many computers connect to, the server stores information.

Surf - Another word for using the internet.

Timeout - An action that takes place after a certain time has elapsed. For example, your dial-up connection may "timeout" by disconnecting if no activity has taken place for some time.

Upload - to transfer or move files from your computer to another computer connected to the internet. Most commonly this refers to the act of moving files from your computer to the server where your web site is located.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - The unique address of a Web page.

Virus - A computer program designed to reproduce itself sometimes to harm a computer.

Webmaster - The person responsible for creating and managing a Web site.

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