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Paul Sparks - Online English Lesson Plans, Lesson Material and Ideas for Oral English (Speaking Lessons) from Hunan University of Science and Technology...



ORAL ENGLISH: Presentation Skills: Giving a Speech

Lessons Objectives: This lesson is designed to improve students general ability to make speeches.

When Planning And Giving A Presentation, Remember…

Practice Your Presentation:
Practice your presentation, by yourself or with a friend. This will give you confidence, but do not practice too much or the presentation will seem false.

Introduce Yourself:
Always introduce yourself and your topic first.

If you have a set amount of time then stick to it and remember to leave enough time for questions from the audience.

Body Language:
Make sure that you have a proper posture, stand up or sit straight, don't cross your arms or legs, you will not appear as being sincere and people just will not accept your message. Be enthusiastic about your presentation and remember to smile, this will help to relieve some of the stress. Remember to make eye contact with your audience. Never read your presentation - this is boring and you will lose the attention of your audience.

Pronounce each word carefully, avoiding slang. Do not say "you know", "and so on", "so-so", etc.

Pitch & Volume:
Pitch refers to the highs and lows of the voice. Whatever you do, you must avoid a monotone! Speak as loudly and clearly as you can to make sure that all the members in your audience can hear your presentation.

The speed, or pace, is an important variable to control. Pausing is also important. When you want to emphasize a certain word, pause for one second before; this highlights the word.

Variance of vocal elements is the most important consideration of all! Vary the elements of your voice. Try to change your pitch, volume, and speed at least once every 30 seconds, if only for just one word. This keeps the class listening to your presentation, if for no other reason than it sounds interesting!

At the end of your presentation, thank your audience for their time and ask if they have any questions.

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